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Seville will have a “radar” to observe international cyber security

Wednesday March 15, 2023 | Event

  • Cyber ​​Security International Radar (CSI Radar) is created as a multidisciplinary event and will be held in the capital of Andalusia from June 12th to 16th in a hybrid format.
  • It will be held at FIBES, the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville, where leading experts and multinationals in Cyber Security worldwide will meet.
  • María Jesús Almazor, CEO Cyber&Cloud at Telefónica Tech, will be one of the leading speakers.

CSI Radar will take place in Seville from June 12th to 16th. This is a new event of Medina Media Events on Cyber Security, which will give visibility to all projects and solutions at a national and international level to improve the cyber security of companies, institutions and individuals.

The Cyber ​​Security International Radar (CSI Radar) agenda will be hybrid, with two face-to-face days, at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Seville (FIBES), and three virtual ones, bringing together more than 40 presentations. Among others, it is worth noting that María Jesús Almazor, CEO Cyber&Cloud at Telefónica Tech, will participate in the opening day.

During the first two days of CSI Radar, there will be an exhibition area and a networking area where attendees will be able to experience first-hand demonstrations and use cases related to cyber security. Those accredited will also be able to attend presentations by experts of national and international reference in the auditorium.


The third day – the first virtual – will be led by multinationals that will present their vision on cyber security; and the fourth day will have the participation of different levels of the Public Administration, the Corps and State Security Forces, associations and Universities. Defense and Intelligence, the war in Ukraine, extortion and cyberthreats, bullying or sexual harassment and machismo, are just some of the topics that will be discussed on this day.

The fifth and final day of CSI Radar will be devoted to virtual networking and viewing of the presentations and exclusive demos through the event’s virtual platform, where attendees will also be able to connect with others registered, schedule video meetings and stay up to date with the latest news on new technologies.

Telefónica Tech, at the CSI Radar 2023

On the opening day, CSI Radar 2023 will feature María Jesús Almazor, CEO Cyber&Cloud at Telefónica Tech, a holding that encompasses digital Cyber Security, Cloud and IoT&Big Data businesses.

Currently, Telefónica Tech leads the technology services market in the B2B segment, and is positioned as one of the most relevant players of new generation IT services in Europe and Latin America.

CSI Radar was born with the aim of giving visibility to all the leading companies and multinationals, as well as universities, institutions, manufacturers and experts who are working to improve Cyber Security in companies and public administrations in Spain and in the world.

CSI Radar 2023 will follow the pioneering line set by Medina Media since 2015 with top-level international events on 5G technology (5G Forum), Ultra High Definition (4K HDR Summit) or Space and Underwater Tourism (SUTUS), which stand out for their agendas, the speakers, its media projection, its audiovisual platform and the Networking of senior executives and attendees.